A Bit of Silliness … For You …
Because I don’t say this enough. Music: “Untouchable, Part 1” by Anathema
Because I don’t say this enough. Music: “Untouchable, Part 1” by Anathema
In one of my recent e-mails to my subscribers, I asked my readers to share what they’re struggling with creatively. One reader said she has trouble getting to the Work (painting, in her case) — not so much because of time constraints, but because she can’t get past a paralyzing inner fear. She has creative…
A writer friend of mine called me “prolific” recently. Well, he said I was more prolific than he is, but still. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I don’t feel prolific. I never have. I’ve always felt like I’m not doing enough. Whatever I’m doing, I could be doing more. I should…
Are you on the hunt for good fiction? Are you finding yourself lost, staring at the shelves, not sure where to turn? Are you feeling like there used to be so much great stuff to read, but now … most of the books you look at just seem … shallow? Yeah, well, me, too. I…
If you’re working a day job or going to school AND making art, you’re my hero. If you stay positive about it most of the time, you’re my even bigger hero. Seriously. I know how tough it is. Every day, it hurts you. It drains your energy. It makes you drag your feet. You’re…
What software do you use? A lot of writers use Microsoft Word, and if you’re one of them, I feel for you. I send you my deepest, most heart-felt sympathy. I used to use Word, too. I know how much precious writing time you waste digging around for the right Word document with your research…